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Mostly, between the ages of 17 and 25, people experience the emergence of their wisdom teeth. It is called wisdom teeth because it comes when the individual grows up and becomes mature. There are numerous reasons why wisdom teeth sometimes cause pain; it’s because of the unavailability of enough space to come out. Also, painful conditions happen when food debris or bacteria is lying around the wisdom tooth, and the tooth becomes trapped and faces difficulty in coming out. 

Mostly, the wisdom tooth pain diminishes after a specific period; however, sometimes, people cannot bear the pain and look for relieving remedies. It’s always best to go to the dentist to relax from the pain rather than go for home remedies. But, if anyone has any dental anxiety or can’t book an appointment, he can follow below some beneficial remedies to minimize the pain. 

Mostly, between the ages of 17 and 25, people experience the emergence of their wisdom teeth. It is called wisdom teeth because it comes when the individual grows up and matures. There are numerous reasons wisdom teeth sometimes cause pain; it’s because of the unavailability of enough space to come out. Also, painful conditions happen when food debris or bacteria lies around the wisdom tooth, and the tooth becomes trapped and faces difficulty coming out. 

Mostly, the wisdom tooth pain diminishes after a specific period; however, people sometimes cannot bear the pain and look for relief remedies. It’s always best to go to the dentist to relax from the pain rather than go for home remedies. But, if anyone has any dental anxiety or can’t book an appointment, he can follow below some beneficial remedies to minimize the pain.


Clove oil and clove is the most efficient and proven remedy to treat painful wisdom teeth and any toothache. The oil has numerous beneficial antiseptic and antibacterial properties that work to prevent infection. Also, it contains eugenol, which is considered a natural numbing agent. Thus, clove oil and buds can treat teeth, gum diseases, and infections. 

It’s best to apply a few drops of clove oil on a cotton ball, place it in the painful area, and minimize the pain of wisdom teeth. Repeat the process two to three times per day for better results. If the clove oil is too strong, dilute it with olive oil. Additionally, if one does not own the clove oil, he can place clove buds directly at the painful area; and get relief from pain after some time. 

Relieve Through Medication 

Medication is the simplest and quickest way to get rid of any pain. Similarly, wisdom tooth pain relief tablets alleviate the pain rapidly and reduce one’s uncomfortable situation. One effective painkiller is Ibuprofen which diminishes wisdom tooth pain in less time. Also, it assists in reducing and minimizing the problem of swelling and inflammation. 

Remember that some situations can be difficult, and one may face unbearable pain, swelling, and severe infection because of wisdom teeth. In such cases, the dentist may advise the patient to take a course of antibiotics to relieve such painful conditions. But one should always take antibiotics if the dentists recommend; otherwise, it’s not a good idea to consume antibiotics without a prescription.

Salt Water Swish and Rinse

Sometimes, one feels consistent pain because of not taking good care of oral health. Similarly, all need to maintain oral health and keep the area clean where the wisdom tooth emerges. Proper brushing twice daily and rinsing the mouth with warm salt water can keep the area clean and bacteria-free. 

To make salt water, add 1 or 2 teaspoons of salt to a cup of warm water and mix it properly. Then, swish the salt water mixture in your mouth for a couple of minutes and focus on the painful area. By that time, spit out the saltwater from the mouth. The process is effective because saltwater can clean debris from the mouth and heal the wound quickly. For best results, repeat the operation several times a day. 

Heat and Cold Therapy

A best practice that one can do at home is placing an ice pack or heating pack on the cheeks to reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. These processes can minimize discomfort by stimulating blood flow and melting tension.


In medical history, turmeric has been used to treat numerous painful conditions. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of turmeric make it an ideal ingredient to treat toothache or wisdom tooth pain. 

Patients can use turmeric for wisdom tooth pain by crushing it and placing directly on the painful area. If this remedy is not helpful for anyone, he can take 5 grams of turmeric and two cloves and boil them in water for five minutes. After that, he needs to rinse the mouth with this mixture and repeat the process multiple times a day. The patient will indeed find relief. 

How To Treat Wisdom Tooth Pain?

After reading about the remedies to relieve painful wisdom teeth, here are some ways to prevent gum infection or painful conditions, especially when the wisdom tooth emerges. One should follow some simple steps and implement these into the daily routine; following these ways will also make one oral hygiene on point.

  • Brush your teeth daily twice a day, especially brush before going to bed.
  • Along with brushing, start flossing and rinsing the mouth with mouthwash and maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Try to drink a lot of water. Drinking plenty of water helps minimize the risk of bacteria growth in the mouth and cleans out the hidden food particles between the teeth.
  • Eat the right food and avoid high sugary and starchy foods. This food can stick to the teeth, leading to harmful dental diseases over time.


The remedies in this guide are undoubtedly workable but remember; these are not the permanent solution for painful wisdom tooth problems. It’s always crucial to consult the dentist if anyone faces severe conditions. Sometimes, the dentist may recommend removing a wisdom tooth to provide long-term relief. However, removing a tooth is not always necessary and beneficial; it depends on the patient’s case and oral condition.

If you face similar issues with the emerging wisdom tooth and are looking for NE Calgary dentist, plan your visit to Martindale Smiles dental center and treat all your painful oral conditions. 


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